Letter to Us from Jerry Collins of Kennebunkport

​​​Hi K’port Republicans,

Last night (Wed), at our monthly K’port GOP Committee meeting, there was discussion about K’port voters needing to know where to look for news about new legislation- good, bad and terrible. The Maine State Legislature web page is the easiest, most complete and best place to look. Everything you want to know is there, though you may need to try it out, navigate the system a bit and become practiced.

Here’s the link. Book mark it. We shall be asking you to use it a lot:


For starters, plug in two devastating bills – do this separately- one at a time in the appropriate spaces:

LD 344: the Equal Rights Amendment to the Maine Constitution, a very scary bill that makes gender “fluidity the law of the land and allows for NO exemptions! Must fight it. It is momentarily stalled, while its promoters try to build a 2/3 majority. Key word: “momentarily”.

LD 1939 An Act to Protect School Officials from Harassment and Abuse (from irate parents?) This is a Bill that comes up in the legislatures Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee on Friday for hearing. It makes it a crime for parents, citizens to protest too strongly about educational policies at local Board of Education meetings, etc. “Zip that lip” “Talk means trouble” (for the talker-if this bill passes)!!

Both of these bills urgently call for grassroots protests: Letters, phone calls, in-person appearances at the legislature to testify and lobby. Look at who is on each committee and check their emails for letters from you to them! A simple letter: “I ask you to oppose this bill. I am a voter.”

Wake up America. Wake up Kennebunkport. Wake up York County! We must fight to save our precious democracy and our freedom!

Jerry Collins,  jacol1@earthlink.net