DATE: May 17, 2021
DATE: May 17, 2021
CONTACT: Jason Savage (
Maine Democrats Oppose COVID Review Commission, Would Keep Maine People In Dark
AUGUSTA, ME — Maine Republican Party Chair, Dr. Demi Kouzounas, released the following statement regarding Maine Democrats voting unanimously against the COVID Review Commission, LD 817:
“It is absolutely abhorrent that Democrats don’t want to be held accountable for decisions made during the COVID-19 pandemic and instead keep Mainers in the dark,” said Maine Republican Party Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. “The review commission would provide valuable insight about what worked and what did not work during the state’s handling of the crisis. Under Janet Mills’ leadership, small businesses are shuttered, our schools are closed, and Mainers are out of work. If Janet Mills’ unilateral control over the state during the crisis worked so well, what is there to hide?”
BACKGROUND: Despite unanimous Democrat opposition to the COVID Review Commission (LD 817) in committee, Republican votes in favor of the commission means the bill will still go to a vote before the full Maine House and Senate. This means every legislator in Maine can be held accountable for their vote on accountability for Governor Janet Mills’ actions during the COVID pandemic. Denying basic transparency and review of Gov. Mills’ actions when she acted with unchecked power is an affront to the values of the people of Maine.
Failure to create a COVID Review commission would essentially leave valuable information regarding public health, the state’s financial health and decisions and much more deep in the shadows, out of public sight.