From an email to many! 2024
I just submitted testimony – You can too! This is what I submitted.
OUGHT NOT TO PASS Maine does not need an Office of New Americans. We need to deal with the American citizens who are here now. We need to focus on the current homeless people in Maine and get them to a point where they can be productive citizens. Have we given up on our current homeless people? There are veterans and children that we have here now that we have not yet properly addressed. We do not need 75,000 “New Americans.” It is said that we have a housing crisis, and this is being addressed by LD2003 and LD1672. If we have a current crisis, what is the sense in bringing 75,000 “New Americans” into Maine???
If you want to submit testimony online, simply follow the instructions HERE. Check the box for a public hearing, then State and Local Government committee.
And I will be sending the same note to:
Rep. Collamore at (207) 679-7305 and or
Sen. Bennett at (207) 592-3200 and or
Let your friends know about this too!
From: Larry at Maine First Project <>
Date: Monday, January 29, 2024 at 4:29 PM
Subject: GOP legislators embrace Foreigners First foolishness
Pay no attention to the escalating invasion across the USA’s wide-open southern border with Mexico. It has nothing to do with Maine. Nothing at all.
Our task is to figure out how to deal with the thousands of invaders who have already settled in Maine since Janet Mills took office. If we only had more data, we could figure out who these people are, why they came here, and what they need from us. That’s why Maine needs an Office of New Americans.
I apologize for subjecting you to this nonsense today, but that’s how numb things are in the Statehouse swamp. Sadly, the drivel above is a paraphrase of an email Sen. Rick Bennett of Oxford sent out over the weekend.
Bennett is one of the two GOP co-sponsors of LD 2167, Janet Mills’ proposal to set up an immigrant resettlement agency in the executive branch of state government. In response to critics who are urging him to withdraw his sponsorship, Bennett is doubling down on his support for LD 2167 via a canned generic response that reeks of disinformation.
We need to continue applying pressure on Sen. Bennett and Rep. Amanda Collamore — the other GOP co-sponsor.
The saddest part of Bennett’s incoherent canned response is that he’s giving cover to open-borders Democrats who can now claim that Mills’ bid to turbo-charge illegal immigration into Maine is a “bi-partisan” initiative. Bennett’s co-sponsorship will make it all the more difficult to peel off the 8 to 10 House Democrats we will need to defeat the measure in the House.
Shame on him. Let’s maintain the pressure on this turkey. For fact-based talking points check out Steve Robinson’s outstanding analysis:
Maine Governor Wants to Resettle 75,000 Foreign-Born Migrants in Maine by 2029 – The Maine Wire
You can reach Rep. Collamore at (207) 679-7305 and or
You can reach Sen. Bennett at (207) 592-3200 and or
LD 2167, “An Act to Develop Maine’s Economy and Strengthen Its Workforce by Establishing an Office of New Americans,” is scheduled for a public hearing tomorrow, Tuesday, January 30th at 1 pm before the State and Local Government Committee in Room 214 of the Cross State Office Building.
If you want to submit testimony online, simply follow the instructions HERE. Check the box for a public hearing, then State and Local Government committee.
Whether you present your testimony in person or online, thanks for all you do every day to restore Maine to The Way Life Should Be.
Best Regards,
Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project